[SOLVED] GVT-g - mediated device available_instances

Oct 10, 2022
Following the instructions from the [official documentation](https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/PCI(e)_Passthrough#_mediated_devices_vgpu_gvt_g) I'm configuring GVT-g, and I observe there is a limited number of available_instances, as pictured in the attached screenshot.

What determines this number? Is it possible to increase it?


  • MDev_availability.png
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no this is determined by the hardware and driver

e.g. each model has some kind of fixed resources of the hardware (mostly vram) and there is only so much of these to split

e.g. if a video card has 16GiB of vram and a mediated device with 1GiB you could only use 16 at max
(but it's not only vram, it depends how the driver/hardware uses it's resources in it slices)


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