[GUIDE] Install Home Assistant OS in a VM


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
So just like my other guide, this is more for my own records so I can come back and refer to it.

I know there are scripts for these things, but I prefer doing them manually so I can learn along the way.

Maybe it can help someone else in the future.

Obtain the VM image

- Navigate to the installation page on the HA website: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative

- Simply right-click the KVM/Proxmox link and copy the address

- In your Proxmox console, use wget to download the file

wget <ADDRESS>

- Expand the compressed image

unxz </path/to/file.qcow2.xz>

Create the VM

- Select your VM name and ID
- Select 'start at boot'

- Select 'Do not use any media'

- Change 'machine' to 'q35'
- Change BIOS to OVMF (UEFI)
- Select the EFI storage (typically local-lvm)
- Uncheck 'Pre-Enroll keys'

- Delete the SCSI drive and any other disks

- Set minimum 2 cores

- Set minimum 4096 MB

- Leave default unless you have special requirements (static, VLAN, etc)

Confirm and finish. Do not start the VM yet.

Add the image to the VM

- In your node's console, use the following command to import the image from the host to the VM

qm importdisk <VM ID> </path/to/file.qcow2> <EFI location>

For example,

qm importdisk 205 /home/user/haos_ova-12.0.qcow2 local-lvm

- Close the node's console and select your HA VM

- Go to the 'Hardware' tab

- Select the 'Unused Disk' and click the 'Edit' button

- Check the 'Discard' box if you're using an SSD then click 'Add'

- Select the 'Options' tab

- Select 'Boot Order' and hit 'Edit'

- Check the newly created drive (likely scsi0) and uncheck everything else

Finish Up

- Start the VM

- Check the shell of the VM. If it booted up correctly, you should be greeted with the link to access the Web UI.

- Navigate to <VM IP>:8123

Done. Everything should be up and running now.
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I followed all steps and after the first setup, the Observer webpage was working fine but the HA URL didn't (port wasn't even open)
After a lot of trial and error with no succes, deleted the VM and re-did the steps starting from creating the VM. And now the 8123 page is working also. Don't know why it's working now and before it didn't. The error i had with, core check command was that the configuration.yaml was not found.
Weird but wanted to give this reply, so that when other have the same issue a rebuild could help ;)
Thank you for creating this guide.

Interestingly Proxmox doesn't seem to be able to collect either the CPU, RAM or disk usage.

However the QEMU guest agent seems to be running accordingly on the HAOS VM.
At least I'm receiving the correct data of the network interfaces.

Anybody got an idea what could cause missing data for CPU, RAM and disk usage?
Thank you for the guide, but I guess I'm gonna be the noob to ask the absolute basic question. I'm completely new to ProxMox and Linux.

2nd step: unxz </path/to/file.qcow2.xz>

How can I find the path of the file downloaded?
How can I find the path of the file downloaded?
Well that highly depends on where you have executed the command.

You can check your current working directory by executing:

Which will most likely return your current user folder or /root

It doesn't really matter where to download the image or where to extract it - that's up to you.

But I guess this is more of a basic Linux related question than Proxmox.
I hope that helps...
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So just like my other guide, this is more for my own records so I can come back and refer to it.

I know there are scripts for these things, but I prefer doing them manually so I can learn along the way.

Maybe it can help someone else in the future.

Obtain the VM image

- Navigate to the installation page on the HA website: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative

- Simply right-click the KVM/Proxmox link and copy the address

- In your Proxmox console, use wget to download the file

wget <ADDRESS>

- Expand the compressed image

unxz </path/to/file.qcow2.xz>

Create the VM

- Select your VM name and ID
- Select 'start at boot'

- Select 'Do not use any media'

- Change 'machine' to 'q35'
- Change BIOS to OVMF (UEFI)
- Select the EFI storage (typically local-lvm)
- Uncheck 'Pre-Enroll keys'

- Delete the SCSI drive and any other disks

- Set minimum 2 cores

- Set minimum 4096 MB

- Leave default unless you have special requirements (static, VLAN, etc)

Confirm and finish. Do not start the VM yet.

Add the image to the VM

- In your node's console, use the following command to import the image from the host to the VM

qm importdisk <VM ID> </path/to/file.qcow2> <EFI location>

For example,

qm importdisk 205 /home/user/haos_ova-12.0.qcow2 local-lvm

- Close the node's console and select your HA VM

- Go to the 'Hardware' tab

- Select the 'Unused Disk' and click the 'Edit' button

- Check the 'Discard' box if you're using an SSD then click 'Add'

- Select the 'Options' tab

- Select 'Boot Order' and hit 'Edit'

- Check the newly created drive (likely scsi0) and uncheck everything else

Finish Up

- Start the VM

- Check the shell of the VM. If it booted up correctly, you should be greeted with the link to access the Web UI.

- Navigate to <VM IP>:8123

Done. Everything should be up and running now.

Thanks @dondizzurp for a clear instructions :)
I kept on getting an access denied message from BIOS and no boot drive was found.
Long story short, if you get the same error, disable secure boot in the VMs bios and off you go.
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Hi lovley guided i do get an error when trying to set the image to VM. got error : /root/haos_ova-13.2.gcow2: non-existent or non-regular file

how to fix this have followed your guide from start to this point.
Hi lovley guided i do get an error when trying to set the image to VM. got error : /root/haos_ova-13.2.gcow2: non-existent or non-regular file

how to fix this have followed your guide from start to this point.

That's a Q not a G in the file extension (qcow2)