Greylisting questions?


Renowned Member
Aug 13, 2017
I was wondering if someone else has had any experience with greylisting, normally i disable it but not sure if i sure enable it. I did not see an option to whitelist on the greylist area? Also was reading that adding another mx record and put a delay of few seconds to avoid bad experience with greylisting but not sure how true that is?

Thank you
Look at your syslog, below show greylisting is working.

Feb 08 10:45:02 pmg pmgpolicy[24968]: defer greylisted mail
Feb 08 10:45:02 pmg postfix/smtpd[27618]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 450 4.7.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: Service is unavailable (try later); from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>

Configuration -> Mail Proxy - Whitelist will bypass greylisting.
thanks for the reply, as your experience do you see greylisting helps on spam? or just delays it?
Greylisting will delay all incoming email delivery (maybe around few minute of delay) to fight spam. If that does not bother you I would suggest enable it.
But I do feel custom mail filter using who/what object will be much more effective in blocking spam mail.
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quick question, i had this rule on the spamassassin/


but i was wondering if its possible to create a rule ? as we did see a lot of false alerts so creating the rule i would tag the email with BECAREFUL of email because alot of clients send invoice with other email providers so i get the trigger Header from different domains
quick question, i had this rule on the spamassassin/


but i was wondering if its possible to create a rule ? as we did see a lot of false alerts so creating the rule i would tag the email with BECAREFUL of email because alot of clients send invoice with other email providers so i get the trigger Header from different domains
Use what object -> spam level
Thanks for the reply, so its not possible to have a Regex rule something with HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS?

Thank you
Thanks for the reply, so its not possible to have a Regex rule something with HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS?

Thank you
Not with spamassassin score.
You can always use what/who object regex rule to filter your mails based on the domains/return-path/emails address.
thanks for the reply, how could i configure the Regex rule somewhat alike from HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS?

Thank you