# Subjects with UTF-8 encoding
header SUBJ_UTF8 Subject:raw =~ /=?utf-8?.?/i
describe SUBJ_UTF8 Subject with UTF-8 encoding
score SUBJ_UTF8 1.0
# Subjects with EUC encoding
header __EUC_CN Subject:raw =~ /=?euc-cn?.?/i
header __EUC_JP Subject:raw =~ /=?euc-jp?.?/i
header __EUC_KR Subject:raw =~ /=?euc-kr?.?/i
header __EUC_TW Subject:raw =~ /=?euc-tw?.?/i
meta SUBJ_EUC ( __EUC_CN || __EUC_JP || __EUC_KR || __EUC_TW )
describe SUBJ_EUC Subjects with EUC encoding
score SUBJ_EUC 1.0
The subject in UTF-8 encoding, use my first rule should work.how will i write that ? Its the subject in raw in utf8
Show the mail in raw format and also your /etc/mail/spamassassin/custom.cf.Its not working. Mail is coming through..
Then are you sure your incoming email have the same subject in the UTF-8 encoding?I want the specific =?UTF-8?B?zr8gzrvOv86zzrHPgc65zrHPg868z4zPgiDPg86xz4Igzq3Ph861zrkgzrrOu861zrnOtA==?=??=?UTF-8?B?z4nOuM61zq8u?=
Attach your email raw format like this.seems that is not working either what u sent me
Delivered-To: ashley@eadeco.com.my
Return-Path: cenderarnata1@gmail.com
Received-SPF: pass (gmail.com ... _spf.google.com: Sender is authorized to use 'cenderarnata1@gmail.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'include:_netblocks.google.com' matched)) receiver=pmg.eadeco.com.my; identity=mailfrom; envelope-from="cenderarnata1@gmail.com"; helo=mail-yb1-f176.google.com; client-ip=
Received: from mail-yb1-f176.google.com (mail-yb1-f176.google.com [])
by pmg.eadeco.com.my (Proxmox) with ESMTP
for <ashley@eadeco.com.my>; Sun, 26 Dec 2021 12:47:25 +0800 (+08)
Received: by mail-yb1-f176.google.com with SMTP id d201so10673406ybc.7
for <ashley@eadeco.com.my>; Sat, 25 Dec 2021 20:47:25 -0800 (PST)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=gmail.com; s=20210112;
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=1e100.net; s=20210112;
X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM530gEO2mVzMQx6vz2STaOcmWyVqLCoki1yVROycR288z5goDm9vf
X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJxdgGMI7u8a5GH8Ze9OG93Oe5qtF/FVNyzoX8I61lBxeBX1sV6hmNiR49lHJJp4kq1mOf5PRNodmKsETvtHbUA=
X-Received: by 2002:a25:1342:: with SMTP id 63mr9941178ybt.51.1640494028609;
Sat, 25 Dec 2021 20:47:08 -0800 (PST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: Chew Sk <cenderarnata1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 12:46:54 +0800
Message-ID: <CAGh+TxL=FgVMMvf4x5g41q3G=3Sg-5jGcFBhV5Akd4nn3JY=wA@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Re: western union
To: Chew Sk <cenderarnata1@gmail.com>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000d4dfd305d40547fd"
Bcc: ashley@eadeco.com.my
X-SPAM-LEVEL: Spam detection results: 8
BAYES_40 -0.001 Bayes spam probability is 20 to 40%
DKIM_SIGNED 0.1 Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid
DKIM_VALID -0.1 Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature
DKIM_VALID_AU -0.1 Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's domain
DKIM_VALID_EF -0.1 Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from envelope-from domain
FREEMAIL_ENVFROM_END_DIGIT 0.25 Envelope-from freemail username ends in digit
FREEMAIL_FROM 0.001 Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
FREEMAIL_REPLY 1 From and body contain different freemails
HTML_MESSAGE 0.001 HTML included in message
KAM_WU 5 Western Union Scam
LOTS_OF_MONEY 0.001 Huge... sums of money
MONEY_FORM_SHORT 2.5 Lots of money if you fill out a short form
RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE -0.0001 Sender listed at https://www.dnswl.org/, no trust
RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2 -0.001 Average reputation (+2)
SPF_HELO_NONE 0.001 SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record
SPF_PASS -0.001 SPF: sender matches SPF record
T_FILL_THIS_FORM_SHORT 0.01 Fill in a short form with personal information
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The IMF is compensating all the victims which victimized by excess tax and
charges during claim / transfer of funds processes. Your among the list
that won
We have concluded to effect payment in your favor by Western Union Money
Transfer for easy pick up of Five Thousand United States Dollars Only
($5,000.00 USD) twice daily until is completely transferred to you.
Stated below is the information of the first Four Thousand United States
Dollars ($5,000.00 USD) We paid today ..
Money Transfer Control Numbers (MTCN) . 9827606794
You can use the below western union tracking website to track and confirm
the availability of your fist four thousand dollars we transfer today..
We now need your information where we will be sending the funds, such as;
Receiver=E2=80=99s Name (Your full Name), address and phone number. Contact=
Union Agent with this E-mail: (transferagenstwesternunion@gmail.com
Thanks you,
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<div dir=3D"ltr">The IMF is compensating all the victims which victimized b=
y excess tax and charges during claim / transfer of funds processes. Your a=
mong the list that won<br>We have concluded to effect payment in your favor=
by Western Union Money Transfer for easy pick up of Five Thousand United S=
tates Dollars Only ($5,000.00 USD) twice daily until is completely transfer=
red to you.<br>Stated below is the information of the first Four Thousand U=
nited States Dollars ($5,000.00 USD) =C2=A0We paid today ..<br>Money Transf=
er Control Numbers (MTCN) . 9827606794<br>You can use the below western uni=
on tracking website to track and confirm the availability of your fist four=
thousand dollars we transfer today..<br><a href=3D"http://www.westernunion=
ck-transfer</a> =C2=A0<br>We now need your information where we will be sen=
ding the funds, such as; Receiver=E2=80=99s Name (Your full Name), address =
and phone number. Contact Western Union Agent with this E-mail: (<a href=3D=
ail.com</a><br><br>Thanks you,<br></div>
# Subjects with UTF-8 encoding
header SUBJ_UTF8 Subject:raw =~ /=?UTF-8?B?zr8gzrvOv86zzrHPgc65zrHPg868z4zPgiDPg86xz4Igzq3Ph861zrkgzrrOu861zrnOtA==?=??=?UTF-8?B?z4nOuM61zq8u?=/i
describe SUBJ_UTF8 Subject with UTF-8 encoding
score SUBJ_UTF8 1.0
X-SPAM-LEVEL: Spam detection results: 5
AWL -3.533 Adjusted score from AWL reputation of From: address
DKIM_ADSP_CUSTOM_MED 0.001 No valid author signature, adsp_override is CUSTOM_MED
DKIM_INVALID 0.1 DKIM or DK signature exists, but is not valid
DKIM_SIGNED 0.1 Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid
FREEMAIL_FROM 0.001 Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
FSL_BULK_SIG 1.774 Bulk signature with no Unsubscribe
HTML_MESSAGE 0.001 HTML included in message
KAM_DMARC_STATUS 0.01 Test Rule for DKIM or SPF Failure with Strict Alignment
NML_ADSP_CUSTOM_MED 1.2 ADSP custom_med hit, and not from a mailing list
PYZOR_CHECK 1.985 Listed in Pyzor (https://pyzor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2 -0.001 Average reputation (+2)
RCVD_IN_ZEN_BLOCKED_OPENDNS 0.001 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to zen.spamhaus.org was blocked due to usage of an open resolver. See https://www.spamhaus.org/returnc/pub/
SPF_HELO_NONE 0.001 SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record
SPF_PASS -0.001 SPF: sender matches SPF record
SUBJ_UTF8 4 Subject with UTF-8 encoding
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