Graphs quit working after NFS mistake


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
Hi all, I have ProxMox version 5.3-6 running as a single node server. There is a NFS storage it mounts for Disk Image and Containers. The other day on the file server I quit exporting this directory while troubleshooting a different share.
Once I fixed my mistake, I came back to find the ProxMox server, all the containers needed to be stopped and started, they couldn't read/write to their file system, big surprise their image file resides on the NFS share, so expected this.
So restarted the containers and the VM's. However I noticed some of my graphs quit incrementing. So after googling and trying different things, like restarting pvestatd, rrdcached, trashing the /var/lib/rrdcached directory etc.. I now have NO graphs period.
To be specific I have graphs on the ProxMox GUI with no data on them, and the date ends on 2019/02/11.
I'd love to fix this, but am out of ideas of what to try.
Thanks for reading, any thoughts are appreciated.
are there any messages related to rrd etc. in the syslog?
also, did you restart the host after that? it may be that the containers cgroup directories did not get cleaned and our code now looks in the wrong place
Hi Dominik,

This is the only stuff in syslog when grepping for rrd.
root@nexus:/var/log# grep -i rrd syslog
Mar 14 07:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: flushing old values
Mar 14 07:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: rotating journals
Mar 14 07:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: started new journal /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/rrd.journal.1552561903.797630
Mar 14 07:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: removing old journal /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/rrd.journal.1552554703.797628
Mar 14 08:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: flushing old values
Mar 14 08:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: rotating journals
Mar 14 08:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: started new journal /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/rrd.journal.1552565503.797651
Mar 14 08:11:43 nexus rrdcached[2431]: removing old journal /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/rrd.journal.1552558303.797656
And yes I have restarted the main server a couple times now after all this happened. Right now it is currently up and running from a fresh reboot as of 20 hours ago.

I see there are some upgrades when doing an "apt upgrade", I'm going to go ahead and run through that and reboot and see what happens..

Even after doing the "apt upgrade" and rebooting, still no graph updates.
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