Good afternoon everyone. So for the last week I have been trying to pass the gpu I have to a windows 10 vm I setup. The gpu is an msi 4090. So far I have had nothing but failures and problems with it. First off I wanted to ask if loading the 6.1 kernel update maybe a good idea or not? As for the rest here are some images of how I loaded the vm and I added the pci device for the video card and ticked three and left the primary gpu one unchecked. I would then install windows like normal boot into it and download the nvidia drivers. During or sometimes just at the end of the driver install the system freezes. I end up needing to stop it to get it to load again and it boots into recovery mode then a reboot again to get it to boot. Now if the gpu is the only one or I tag it as primary gpu and disable the default one it never seems to boot. I am having to guess it's not booting since vnc, parsec, or rdp can't connect to it. If I disable the video card and re enable the default one I can login fine again.
I was told to add this to the end of the conf file for the vm "args: -fw_cfg name=opt/ovmf/X-PciMmio64Mb,string=65536" which I added to the bottom of the file but still didn't make any progress. I only partly understand it but I was told it's needed for video cards with the resizable bar stuff on them.
So at this point does anyone have any advice or can point out my mistake in getting this working?
Oh also since this will be pointed out, I did edit the grub with amd_iommu=on, added the 4 VFIO modules to the modules file, and blacklisted amd, nvidia, and intel video drivers so proxmox won't use the gpu.
Also sorry about the wall of text. Trying to remember everything I have done/tried so far.
I was told to add this to the end of the conf file for the vm "args: -fw_cfg name=opt/ovmf/X-PciMmio64Mb,string=65536" which I added to the bottom of the file but still didn't make any progress. I only partly understand it but I was told it's needed for video cards with the resizable bar stuff on them.
So at this point does anyone have any advice or can point out my mistake in getting this working?
Oh also since this will be pointed out, I did edit the grub with amd_iommu=on, added the 4 VFIO modules to the modules file, and blacklisted amd, nvidia, and intel video drivers so proxmox won't use the gpu.
Also sorry about the wall of text. Trying to remember everything I have done/tried so far.