got unexpected end of tape


Active Member
Oct 19, 2019
Man, I am having terrible luck with PBS and tape archiving this week.

When trying to catalog tapes, any which were full prior to my need to restore everything from tape, are erroring out at the end of the tape:

2022-12-18T08:31:53-07:00: File 640: chunk archive for datastore 'store'
2022-12-18T08:32:28-07:00: register 1132 chunks
2022-12-18T08:32:28-07:00: File 641: chunk archive for datastore 'store'
2022-12-18T08:32:42-07:00: TASK ERROR: got unexpected end of tape

I can only find one reference to this error in the Google Index, but it wasn't particularly helpful:
that can happen when the backup unexpectedly aborts, but should not be super problematic, since we're still know which data is written on it an can read+use it
it's still an error so that the admin know that something unexpected happened there
However, this error prevents the tape's catalogue from being added back to PBS, and so, prevents the recovery of data in the tape library.

I found a hack/workaround, of modifying the .tmp catalogue filename, but I doubt that it's the correct solution.