Get backups from proxmox randomly fails


Renowned Member
Jan 9, 2017

I have a proxmox cluster (8 nodes), and two pbs (one that receives backup, and the other one sync with first one).
Sometime, when i click in proxmox ui on the backup menu to see the list of backups of a vm, it fails, ie nothing is shown, and i 'm sure that backups exist in pbs for this vm.
if i activate chrome tools , i see that query (ext-all.js content?content=backup) is canceled at 30s... Is it possible to customize this timeout value ?

I think the timeout is hard-coded. But I agree that not showing anything rather than an error is not ideal. Does the timeout happen when the server is under too much load?
not really, timeout happens even during the day, without backup talk on pbs. PBS server has about 130 VM backups, perhaps it's due to check task running during the day
Do you mean a verify task? That can cause a lot of load, because all data has to be read and checksums computed.