Gateway change breaks quorum after PVE 4 upgrade


Renowned Member
Sep 18, 2013
Bonn, Germany
Hello all,

I've just upgraded our 3-server cluster from last 3.x version to latest 4.x (Community Subscription) without any problems (almost). As we're running our primary firewall virtualized as well in Proxmox we changed the clusters nodes gateways (vmbr0 => eth4) to a physical firewall in the same subnet before doing the upgrade as all vms are supposed to be stopped. I went through the instructions and everything came out just fine. I created the cluster and added the other 2 nodes again. So far, so good.

Then I modified the gateway on vmbr0 on each host to the original virtual firewall (managing outside connection, too) again and rebooted each of then one after another.

quorum did not come up after that and cluster status threw me: "Cannot initialize CMAP service".

Changing the gateway back to the physical firewall and rebooting: Everythings fine again. Except now the nodes are not beeing routed correctly itself as the physical firewall is not supposed to do so.

Any ideas why that is caused by a change of the gateway?
What happens, when the gateway is not reachable during startup (as the vm has not been started)?
Is that causing quorum to go havoc?

Any change to the gateway to a gateway that is a VM in the proxmox cluster itself does not work anymore.
Have there been changes to the way quorum works? We used the same gateway from the virtualized firewall with Proxmox 3.2.
Any ideas?
I still have this problem. As soon as I use a gateway that is a KVM VM (pfSense) on on of our cluster members quorum doesn't work anymore. When I change it to a gateway always reachable: No problems. This started with the upgrade 3.x => 4.0.

Does no one have any ideas?