Future of virtualization

tux, I agree with everything you said above.

I am working on a project, that if takes off, will need tens of thousands of containers.
So I've spent lots of time evaluating lxc vs Proxmox + OpenVZ.

I completely agree with what jekader said above too:
So I need to recompile the kernel and still I won't get all that openVZ allows me to do.
I beleive LXC is not even close to being production ready yet.

I seems likely in the far future that lxc will mature and since it is in the kernel already become the defacto container setup.
But until that time comes OpenVZ is by far the most logical choice today.
Especially when using something like Proxmox that makes it so easy to use.
I know promox gets tired of hearing this but ... gotta voice my thoughts on this too.

openvz definitely still has some advantages over lxc

however, lxc is part of the linux kernel now and its very rapidly improving

I work for cisco systems and even this company is now using lxc... which amazed me but in a good way.

I understand the basis for Promox continued support of openvz but as I'd think it would take time to migrate to lxc if such a decision would be made
I'd think it would be beneficial to at least have the Promox developers hold a discussion about a possible future with lxc.

openstack supports lxc
openqrm supports lxc
heroku supports lxc
pacemaker supports lxc
even virt-manager now gives you the choice of creating a vm using kvm or lxc

Maybe I just don't pay attention to the openvz world enough but I'm just not seeing major new projects adopting/implementing container technology based on openvz they all seem to be going lxc.

I don't think people asking the lxc-vs-openvz questions on the forum are trying to be provocative... I think they are like me... they'd really like to use promox but they currently use lxc and personally I can't invest efforts support two separate container technologies.

Anyway, promox for kvm looks like it is a very good product and I'm sure the openvz is as well and I saw the promox ve v3 announcement so congratulations on that release.

Any news regarding lxc and proxmox?

I really like using proxmox with openvz but i would even more like using proxmox with lxc and perhaps (newer) custom kernels for the host system.