future implementation?


Renowned Member
Aug 13, 2017
I was wondering in the future would it possible to add SMIME-milter into postfix?

Thank you

I'm afraid, that's a complete different product. I hope first post-queue will be changed to pre-queue (most important change), second mail archive would be combined (as very close to the existing product and would solve many questions here of people, being unable to transport mails in and out of PMG, get many things of the quarantine solved (as being on the same system, maybe with extra webmail access and just being a spam folder there), getting PMG easier learning ham and spam to spamassassin bayes database etc.) and last additional features would be fine like DKIM (asked often here) as well as combining with a secure mail gateway like being a Unified Mail Security Solution, maybe working together with Ciphermail on that.
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Thanks for the reply i was looking on cipermail which i got working on my postfix , hopefully oneday proxmox will have it