Ok, that's wrong too, 127.x.x.x is "local device", but not our main problem now, since it can't even ping your router.
Since this is a school-network, there are a lot of unknowns in play here.
Let's start with a few basics though:
1. What kind of hardware are we working with here?
2. The network it is connected to, is it "your" part of the network, or fully shared? If it is fully shared, you might need to contact your school's IT-team to see what IP-settings you can use for your server. The server needs static IP-details, but doesn't need any ports open or the like, as long as your PC and such can reach it internally.
3. What are the IP-settings (check that the IP starts with "10." "172." or "192.") on your own personal PC that you would be accessing Proxmox with once you've got that set up.