Flash drive with PVE died and only disk are left

It is just linux Debian!
It is and everything works the same way. If you know how to administrate a headless Debian server, you won't have any problems with PVE. It just adds some complexitiy on top with clustering, ZFS or ceph.

Do i understand right, if system drive with proxmox (flash or hdd) dies whole my server (all vmdk's, virtual machines, ISOs) becomes useless?
No, your virtuak disks and ISOs are still there, unless you wiped your disk by creating a new storage instead of adding an existing storage. You just have to mount it properly.
But what will be lost are all the VM configs, as these are stored on the system disk. So you still got the virtual disks, but not the VM you used the virtual disks with.
You should at least backup your system disks /etc and /var/lib/vz folder.
Keep in mind that PVE is not an appliance. Its a full linux with hundred thousands of files and you are allowed to customize all of them. The more you customize, the harder it gets to restore a PVE.

I don't even now what i did, i clicked on node-name, clicked on menu "disks", chose the disk, wiped it and clicked "add directory".
As you wrote, this wipes the disk, so all contents of that disks are then lost. To add a storage that was already in use with data on it, without wiping its contents, you mount it manually by using the CLI (for example by editing the fstab), then add a directory storage pointing to that mountpoint via datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory.

Did i understand right, that mountpiont can be mounted without mounting disk in my situation?
A mountpoint is just a folder. Think of it this way: In windows you got a SSD with windows on it at "C:\". Then you got a folder "C:\MyMountpoint". If nothing is mounted there and you create files in that folder they are part of the System SSD. Lets say you put a "win.iso" file there.
But then you also got a HDD formated with a filesystem that contains a "SomeImages" folder. You mount that HDDs filesystem at "C:\MyMountpoint". Now the "win.iso" still exists but you can't access it any longer at "C:\MyMountpoint\win.iso" as the old folder is now not accessible anymore. Instead you will find the HDDs "SomeImages" folder at "C:\MyMountpoint\SomeImages". You HDDs filesysytem is mapped to "C:\MyMountpoint" so everything stored there will end up on the HDD.
Once you unmount that HDD you will see your iso again at "C:\MyMountpoint\win.iso" but not the contents of the HDD, as that path then again is a normal folder on that SSD.

Tell me please, if i should copy/paste this command in shell and that is it?
Thats not a command. That is an storage option. An example command could be pvesm set YourStorageID --is_mountpoint /path/to/mountpoint/of/that/storage
This should be run once, after you added an directory storage via datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory. This would prevent you from filling your system disk by accident when trying to write to a storage that isn't properly mounted (=you won't write stuff to the SSD when thinking you are writing to the HDD).
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As you wrote, this wipes the disk, so all contents of that disks are then lost.
No-no, i did that only on my first, oldNode (named "proxmox"), after installation. I wiped 2 HDD and an SSD, mounted mountpoints and began beagan storeing files there. When i reinstalled proxmox on flash drive (the newNode i named "jenadnalin") i didn't wipe disks. I tried to find the decision how to mount that mountpoints (thank you, Dunuin, for your detailed explanation. I at least started to understand something) but still have been trying.
Could you explain me please, I still can't realize, why the command destoyed all the data existing there before.
echo 'UUID=<PARTITION-UUID> /mnt/pve/toshiba ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab
A mountpoint is just a folder. Think of it this way: In windows you got a SSD with windows on it at "C:\". Then you got a folder "C:\MyMountpoint". If nothing is mounted there and you create files in that folder they are part of the System SSD. Lets say you put a "win.iso" file there.
But then you also got a HDD formated with a filesystem that contains a "SomeImages" folder. You mount that HDDs filesystem at "C:\MyMountpoint". Now the "win.iso" still exists but you can't access it any longer at "C:\MyMountpoint\win.iso" as the old folder is now not accessible anymore. Instead you will find the HDDs "SomeImages" folder at "C:\MyMountpoint\SomeImages". You HDDs filesysytem is mapped to "C:\MyMountpoint" so everything stored there will end up on the HDD.
Once you unmount that HDD you will see your iso again at "C:\MyMountpoint\win.iso" but not the contents of the HDD, as that path then again is a normal folder on that SSD.
It seems a bit clear for me now.
Do i understand right:
- i wiped 500gb HDD and created there filesystem ext4
- then a mounted a mountpoint (=create folder?) in that ext4 filesystem and called it "toshiba"
- then i beagan to store there ISO files
If it is so, i would like to ask a question how do i have to force my new pve (newNode named "jenandalin") to see all fo this

And do i undestand right, that information in storage.cfg = inforamtion about "created folders"
so following the discussion it seems that you did not wipe the disks after reinstalling PVE. If so, your data on those disks should still be there.
echo 'UUID=<PARTITION-UUID> /mnt/pve/toshiba ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab
This command does not touch any of you data, it simply adds an entry in /etc/fstab telling your system to mount the disk at boot.

I suspect you did not configure the storage correctly, as the WebUI will not show you contents it is not configured for. Please let me refer you to the docs for a detailed description [0].

Also, post the output of cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg so we can see your current storage configuration.

From your previous posts it seems like your disks are mounted, so you can check if the files are still located on the filesystem by listing all files recursivley on e.g. ls -laR /mnt/pve/toshiba

[0] https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#_storage_configuration
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