Firewall on Deb 11 or Mail Gateway 7.3-11


Sep 13, 2019
HI All, it seems that support doesn't answer questions on the products unless you register.. As a PAID proxmox user, I would have thought I was registered. (not here, bit on another part of the site.)


the message you sent could not be accepted because it was not coming from a registered email address on .

Please register or log in and submit a request through the help desk at the following link.

Kind Regards,
Your Proxmox Support Team

Now don't get me wrong, I love my proxmox. I like it enough to pay annually for it. I like it enough to help people when I can in these forums, and I like it enough to put up with my customer complaints about it. What I don't like is the condescending email I got for asking a simple question.

See, I thought I was signed up... I post in the forums, and I pay online for the annual bill. In the years I have used the proxmox I have never asked support a questions except how to apply my subscription key, when an older key was in place. I even have some of my customers paying to use the proxmox on their own networks.

The question I had was what kind of firewall is the proxmox server using. Simple question, for a group that provides these mail gateways. I wanted to know what firewall the server is using becasue I have 2 networks that are constantly sending mail to the server. Both places have had their IP's blocked in the Who >> Blacklist section. Both have had their email addresses and blocked in the Who >> Blacklist section and both are still getting through. I don't have a problem with some customer sending test mails to their friends or their friends sending them to my customers. Sometimes people so this to check their email is getting though or to see if they screwed up the configuration when setting up an account.

What I have a problem with is people abusing my email gateway, and having no actual way to block these people. This is supposed to be my first layer of defense against email issues and exploit and we are provided with no actual way to stop the people doing the exploit. This is a reflection on Proxmox and a reflection on me. NOT GOOD.

So to answer my two questions, NFTABLES is the new firewall for Debian based systems after Debian 10, and to block people who are constantly trying to prod your system use Fail2ban. You will need to make come changes so fail2ban works with nftables, then you can actually block the people who are obviously trying to take over your server or who are just trying to keep filling up your logs.

Seriously though guys, I am not signing up 3 times so that I can ask support a question.

In this day and age where everyone is trying to get your personal details, and everyone doesn't seem to have any idea on how to protect those details asking your supporters to sign up for each part of your website is inane. We are supposed to be the smart ones here.

Thanks very much for your time.

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We offer a few services to our users and customers.
These services are isolated and do not share a user-base, which is something we do by choice.
This is the simple reason why you need to register for each service separately (as you did for the shop and forum).
What I don't like is the condescending email I got for asking a simple question.
Sorry that the email comes across as condescending - it's just the automated reply of the ticket system to indicate that support is not provided via e-mail (as we do not want to send sensitive data via e-mail).

Any suggestion how this could be phrased in way that comes across nicer for you?
The question I had was what kind of firewall is the proxmox server using.
PMG does not ship any Layer3+4 level firewall - usually you deploy it behind your firewall:
but you can configure nftables/iptables directly on the PMG without issues as well (it's not integrated into the GUI though)

What I have a problem with is people abusing my email gateway, and having no actual way to block these people.
How exactly does this happen - please provide some logs so we get a clearer picture at what's not working as expected