File restore from Proxmox VM backup


New Member
Aug 23, 2024

I have a Proxmox VE server with several VM host. The VM host are backuped to Proxmox Backup server. Now I need to restore one folder from old backup. There is Windows server as the OS in the VM, the partitions are NFTS. So I use the "File restore" function in Proxmox VE interface. But I don't see the folder. Actually I think there is more folder missing than displayed in the "File restore" function. When I restore the whole VM, all folders are there but restoring the whole VM takes too much of time.

How can I restore just one folder without restoring the whole VM?

Is this known bug/weeknes? Or I do something wrong?

One possible way to get a single file (or a folder or ...) out of the backup of a Windows-VM with NTFS is this:

PVE WebGui --> <that VM> --> Backup --> select Storage: <your backup system> --> select one specific backup --> Top bar: "File Restore" --> drill down "drive-scsi0.omg.fidx --> part --> 2 ( or other partition with the largest size = probably drive C: ) --> Users --> <your user in Windows>" --> Documents --> ... --> Download as ".zip" --> save to where you want --> open the .zip and copy the file(s) to the original location.

This worked for me, half a minute ago :-)

Note that this sequence may be done directly inside the VM or on any other system with a web browser...

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One possible way to get a single file (or a folder or ...) out of the backup of a Windows-VM with NTFS is this:

PVE WebGui --> <that VM> --> Backup --> select Storage: <your backup system> --> select one specific backup --> Top bar: "File Restore" --> drill down "drive-scsi0.omg.fidx --> part --> 2 ( or other partition with the largest size = probably drive C: ) --> Users --> <your user in Windows>" --> Documents --> ... --> Download as ".zip" --> save to where you want --> open the .zip and copy the file(s) to the original location.

This worked for me, half a minute ago :)

Note that this sequence may be done directly inside the VM or on any other system with a web browser...

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Sorry this not helped me.

As I wrote I don't se all files using "File restore". I tried to restore parent directory too, but there are only files visible in GUI in the restored folder.

Did you check if these folders/files that were missing had something in common, for example any non-ascii symbols in the names (so for example é ß & @), or very long names (causing the full path to near/pass the default 255 Windows path character-limit), other permissions / owners / encryption / compression, or other things like that?
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