file restore - download as .tar.zst

May 8, 2022

Experimenting with the file restore function of PBS, I noticed that the "Download" button at first appears as "Download as", giving me zip and tar.zst as options. As soon as a directory is selected, though, it switches to "Download", which zip files being the only option.

Is that intentional, or what am I doing wrong? I would prefer .tar.zst, really, since I'm mostly using Linux in my VMs.
ok, that's probably a bug left from introducing the tar.zst option for the pbs interface. not sure if it's worth fixing it when we'll get the full tar.zst support anyway...
@dcsapak Do you know if tar downloads are still planned?
I'm still seeing what @hmalzahn was seeing (the tar option initially appears but is gone when selecting individual files/folders)
The tar download option will be a great improvement since the zip downloads don't handle simlinks. This has caught me off guard when trying to restore a directory.
i'll have to check if the patches still apply and possibly rebase & resend, AFAIK they were not applied (idk for what reason exactly)

Thanks for the reminder !
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@dcsapak Friendly reminder:

Were you able to find out if the patches were applied (or if they will be applied soon)?
As of 7.4-16 it looks like the tar option is still removed when selecting any files/directories.