So many people create a ZFS storage and then are confused why they can't store ISOs or backups on it.
I always explain them that they need to create an additional directory type storage on top of ZFS for that. Super easy to do it manually with two lines of code but they still struggle using the CLI. And a lot of work to always ask them for the details to be able to give them the complete commands they just have to paste to get their fully working directory storage.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if you would be able to create a new ZFS pool via the webUI that will let you choose if you want only a "zfspool" type storage, only a "dir" type storage or both? Like two additional (pre-checked?) checkboxes in the form?
It could then create a pool "tank" with one or two datasets. One for the directory storage and one for the ZFS storage. So something like "tank/data" as the root for the directory storage for templates/ISOs/backups/snippets and "tank/vdisks" as the root for the ZFS storage for the virtual disks of VMs/LXCs.
Similar to what the PVE installer does when creating the "local" and "local-zfs" storages.
This might also help with all the people that fill up the root filesystem to 100% because they don't know to run the "pvesm set StorageID --is_mountpoint yes" when creating a directory storage on top if ZFS via the webUI after running "zfs create ...".
Woukd create a bugtracker ticket if someone also thinks this would be an useful addition.
So many people create a ZFS storage and then are confused why they can't store ISOs or backups on it.
I always explain them that they need to create an additional directory type storage on top of ZFS for that. Super easy to do it manually with two lines of code but they still struggle using the CLI. And a lot of work to always ask them for the details to be able to give them the complete commands they just have to paste to get their fully working directory storage.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if you would be able to create a new ZFS pool via the webUI that will let you choose if you want only a "zfspool" type storage, only a "dir" type storage or both? Like two additional (pre-checked?) checkboxes in the form?
It could then create a pool "tank" with one or two datasets. One for the directory storage and one for the ZFS storage. So something like "tank/data" as the root for the directory storage for templates/ISOs/backups/snippets and "tank/vdisks" as the root for the ZFS storage for the virtual disks of VMs/LXCs.
Similar to what the PVE installer does when creating the "local" and "local-zfs" storages.
This might also help with all the people that fill up the root filesystem to 100% because they don't know to run the "pvesm set StorageID --is_mountpoint yes" when creating a directory storage on top if ZFS via the webUI after running "zfs create ...".
Woukd create a bugtracker ticket if someone also thinks this would be an useful addition.