Feature Request: Show disk usage for data LV


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
proxmox creates two logical volumes during installation: root (for OS) and data which holds all virtualization-related files.

Why does the "local system status" only show the disk usage for the "/" filesystem and not for "/var/lib/vz" which might be more interesting?

Its because you're looking at hosts status, you'd need to be looking at storage for VMs, and those not always located on host. Try looking under Storage/Configuration instead...
proxmox creates two logical volumes during installation: root (for OS) and data which holds all virtualization-related files.

Why does the "local system status" only show the disk usage for the "/" filesystem and not for "/var/lib/vz" which might be more interesting?

View attachment 157

see Configuration/Storage

'Local' is /var/lib/vz