Feature Request: Memory Buttons


New Member
Aug 4, 2023
I'd like for this to be made an official feature. But don't know the process.

When creating a CT/VM in Proxmox VE at prevent you must manually specify the memory.

Instead I propose also having click buttons to simplify this process.

I have include the source code for this, which I am currently implementing on the browser's client-side via Tampermonkey.


For my taste that's too much unnecessary UI. Keep in mind that people also use stuff like 372MiB, 700MiB, 3GiB, 10GiB, ... .
You can`t add a button for everything. I would prefer if there would be just a simple textfield but this textfield not requiring a number in fixed MiB.
Would be great if that textfield would allow us to write "300 MiB" (or simply "300" that then assumes MiBs are meant so no change for people who don't care about changes and like it as already is), "0.5 GiB", "3 GiB", "0.25 TiB" and that then gets converted to the 300MiB, 512MiB, 3072 MiB and 262144 MiB. So less need to open the calculator app when creating VMs.
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Like OP's idea & others mentioned here.
I think there is a good consensus for some form of change.

Maybe the OP should add some Tags: "Feature request", "Request" etc.
However, I'm not sure how much traction any of all this gets.