Hi all. I am a total newbie when it comes to SAN/iSCSI/FC. I have read just about every post or thread I could find on the matter, but I am guessing I am too stupid to grasp what to do here. (And not scared to admit that).
We have an enclosure with 12 nodes that I want to all connect to a SAN storage device. So the first node I have deployed Proxmox PVE on, and have installed multipath on. But from here I am stuck. From below you can see we have a lot of drives in the SAN:
From our storage guy I gathered that on the SAN we have a total of 22 Volumes being exposed.
So question 1 is, is there a way to get all of the wwid's of all these disks to add the wwid to the multipath config? Or am I completely off track already?
EDIT: By using a for loop and a lot of manual work, I was able to determine that there are indeed 22 unique wwid output from /lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u -d /dev/sdX commands. So I guess these 22 ids correspond to the 22 volumes exposed.
I would really appreciate any help I can get with this.
We have an enclosure with 12 nodes that I want to all connect to a SAN storage device. So the first node I have deployed Proxmox PVE on, and have installed multipath on. But from here I am stuck. From below you can see we have a lot of drives in the SAN:
ls /dev/sd
Display all 188 possibilities? (y or n)
sda sdah sdaq sday sdbf sdbo sdbw sdce sdf sdo sdx
sda1 sdah1 sdaq1 sday1 sdbf1 sdbo1 sdbw1 sdce1 sdf1 sdo1 sdx1
sda2 sdai sdar sdaz sdbg sdbp sdbx sdcf sdg sdp sdx2
sda3 sdai1 sdar1 sdaz1 sdbg1 sdbp1 sdbx1 sdcf1 sdg1 sdp1 sdx3
sdaa sdaj sdas sdb sdbh sdbp2 sdby sdcg sdh sdq sdy
sdaa1 sdaj1 sdas1 sdb1 sdbh1 sdbp3 sdby1 sdcg1 sdh1 sdq1 sdy1
sdab sdak sdat sdb2 sdbi sdbq sdbz sdch sdi sdr sdz
sdab1 sdak1 sdat1 sdb3 sdbi1 sdbq1 sdbz1 sdch1 sdi1 sdr1 sdz1
sdac sdal sdat2 sdba sdbj sdbr sdc sdci sdj sds
sdac1 sdal1 sdat3 sdba1 sdbj1 sdbr1 sdc1 sdci1 sdj1 sds1
sdad sdam sdau sdbb sdbk sdbs sdca sdcj sdk sdt
sdad1 sdam1 sdau1 sdbb1 sdbk1 sdbs1 sdca1 sdcj1 sdk1 sdt1
sdae sdan sdav sdbc sdbl sdbt sdcb sdck sdl sdu
sdae1 sdan1 sdav1 sdbc1 sdbl1 sdbt1 sdcb1 sdck1 sdl1 sdu1
sdaf sdao sdaw sdbd sdbm sdbu sdcc sdd sdm sdv
sdaf1 sdao1 sdaw1 sdbd1 sdbm1 sdbu1 sdcc1 sdd1 sdm1 sdv1
sdag sdap sdax sdbe sdbn sdbv sdcd sde sdn sdw
sdag1 sdap1 sdax1 sdbe1 sdbn1 sdbv1 sdcd1 sde1 sdn1 sdw1
From our storage guy I gathered that on the SAN we have a total of 22 Volumes being exposed.
So question 1 is, is there a way to get all of the wwid's of all these disks to add the wwid to the multipath config? Or am I completely off track already?
EDIT: By using a for loop and a lot of manual work, I was able to determine that there are indeed 22 unique wwid output from /lib/udev/scsi_id -g -u -d /dev/sdX commands. So I guess these 22 ids correspond to the 22 volumes exposed.
I would really appreciate any help I can get with this.
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