Good morning. In playing with Proxmox v6 I added 100 OSDs in an integrated ceph deployment that I'd like to remove and redeploy differently. I can run systemctl stop ceph-osd@270 ceph-osd@269 ... etc to stop them all and can also run ceph osd out osd.270 osd.269 ... etc to mark them as out quickly from console. However, when I destroy the osds from console with ceph osd destroy osd.270 --yes-i-really-mean-it they still remain in the gui with a status Destroyed / Out. If I have to click through 99 OSD destructions I'm ok with if I must, but how do I get the one OSD I destroyed from the console out of the OSD display -- and, if possible, is there a better way to accomplish mass removing OSDs by script? Thanks in advance!