today i tried to join 3 Nodes into my Cluster that is existring since 2017.
It's is the actual version 6.3.3 and erverything was fine.
After installing the first node and adding it, i got strang issues with the cluster itself. it lost the connections between the nodes back and forth. so i restarted some services (pvestatd, pvesr, pve-cluster and corosync) - it went back normal. Node joined and everything is fine.
Second node - same thing...
third node - same thing, but there was an error show:
end task UPID
ve5-9:0000280D:0005F92F:601BC08C:clusterjoin::root@pam: unable to generate pve ssl certificate: command 'faketime yesterday openssl x509 -req -in /tmp/pvecertreq-10253.tmp -days 730 -out /etc/pve/nodes/pve5-9/pve-ssl.pem -CAkey /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key -CA /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem -CAserial /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.srl -extfile /tmp/pvesslconf-10253.tmp' failed: exit code 1"},
the node is joined in the cluster, but i cannot manage it from another host. How can i readjust the certificates for this node in the cluster?
And another strange thing now - the cluster-tab where i can display the join informations is showing me that i don't have a cluster.
today i tried to join 3 Nodes into my Cluster that is existring since 2017.
It's is the actual version 6.3.3 and erverything was fine.
After installing the first node and adding it, i got strang issues with the cluster itself. it lost the connections between the nodes back and forth. so i restarted some services (pvestatd, pvesr, pve-cluster and corosync) - it went back normal. Node joined and everything is fine.
Second node - same thing...
third node - same thing, but there was an error show:
end task UPID

the node is joined in the cluster, but i cannot manage it from another host. How can i readjust the certificates for this node in the cluster?
And another strange thing now - the cluster-tab where i can display the join informations is showing me that i don't have a cluster.