Export Logs Tracking Center and Whitelist/Blacklist

Jun 18, 2019

I have two small questions:

- is there a solution for exporting the tracking center information from the linux command line to send it to a remote SQL server?
- Or its stored the whitelist / blacklist defined by users?

thank you
- is there a solution for exporting the tracking center information from the linux command line to send it to a remote SQL server?
nothing builtin
The tracking center gets its information from the syslogs (/var/log/syslog, /var/log/syslog.1, /var/log/syslog.2.gz,....) from the pmg-log-tracker binary
You can use that on the command-line, but you'd need to script the sending to SQL (and the query to actually insert the plain-text logs into the database)
Alternatively you can get the results via the API (see [0], [1]) or pmgsh (the api path is /nodes/<nodename>/tracker)

Or its stored the whitelist / blacklist defined by users?
the most comfortable way to get this information is via the API/pmgsh as well (path /quarantine/blacklist and /quarantine/whitelist)

I hope this helps!

[0] https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_API (docs how to connect to the api)
[1] https://pmg.proxmox.com/pmg-docs/api-viewer/index.html (PMG's api-viewer

thank you for your answer, if I am not mistaken, with pmgsh I cannot see all the whitelists / blacklists, I have to indicate the email address I want to see, right?

What I'm trying to get out is a complete list of lists, in email-user / regles-whitelist format

then, I want to know how to make a general whitelist and not assigned to a specific user, it is necessary to create a .cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin? but will it work for greylisting?
