pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format [text, json, json-pretty, yaml]
should be what you're looking for.json-pretty
or paste the json
output there[1]. If you only have access to the command line maybe look at something like[2].pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format json > vm.json
jq -r '.[] | [.vmid, .name, .status] | @csv' "vm.json" |tr -d '"'
pvesh get /cluster/resources --output-format json-pretty > clusterresources.json
jq -r '.[] | [.cpu, .content, .disk, .diskread, .diskwrite, .id, .maxcpu, .maxdisk, .maxmem, .mem, .name, .netin, .netout, .node, .plugintype, .pool, .sdn, .shared, .status, .tags, .template, .type, .uptime, .vmid] | @csv' "clusterresources.json" |tr -d '"' > clusterresources.csv
pvesh get /nodes/pve2/qemu/120/agent/network-get-interfaces -o json | jq '.result[] | select(.name == "ens18") | .["ip-addresses"][] | select(.["ip-address-type"] == "ipv4") | .["ip-address"]'
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