Below is a basic example of an ansible script for creating a VM. In many ways, it is an extension of the exchange found in the following thread
But with several differences, as I have been trying to code up an example that can operate within a Proxmox environment much like scripts I already have for VM deployment to AWS and VSPHERE. It is very much WIP/R&D as its primary aim is to allow me to understand the Proxmox ecosystem. I'm posting it here as it may help someone in the future and I may be able to improve it via any feedback provided.
Some things of note include
- It is designed to deploy a defined VM from values it has or will retrieve, so there is no Proxmox template generation. VMs will always be generated from the script and the information it may access. So "infrastructure as code" with the backend system that holds the config data being the "single source of truth".
- It includes a 'vendor' cloud init that is run the first time the VM is started.
- It is designed to follow an ansible 'step' flow rather than having the largest possible 'qm create' statement as this makes it easier to debug and in the future change using API-based interfaces (where possible).
Some issues to be aware of
- As it is shell based and works with a cloudinit file it needs to access a mix of drive paths via the shell and Proxmox storage drives. To keep this as simple as possible local: has been extended to include Snippets and local-lvm is the target for the result VM drive.
- qm does limited validation of settings passed to it, so some values only get checked when the VM starts up.
- qm can return an OK status while at the same time outputting an error message to stderr, so such errors get missed by the ansible script.
- All my work is being done on Proxmox instances that use the no-subscription repo.
The code can be broken down into the following basic steps
- define all the variables needed to express the environment and VM settings
- clean up any past VM if a development variable is set to true
- get the named OS ISO if required
- create the local files needed for setup - cloudinit and ssh keys.
- create a basic VM with a mix of hardcoded defaults and required variable based values
- link/import the required drives to the VM
- remove the ssh key file from the local file system
- Configure setting based on defined values
- start the VM, which will cause the cloudinit file to be processed
But with several differences, as I have been trying to code up an example that can operate within a Proxmox environment much like scripts I already have for VM deployment to AWS and VSPHERE. It is very much WIP/R&D as its primary aim is to allow me to understand the Proxmox ecosystem. I'm posting it here as it may help someone in the future and I may be able to improve it via any feedback provided.
Some things of note include
- It is designed to deploy a defined VM from values it has or will retrieve, so there is no Proxmox template generation. VMs will always be generated from the script and the information it may access. So "infrastructure as code" with the backend system that holds the config data being the "single source of truth".
- It includes a 'vendor' cloud init that is run the first time the VM is started.
- It is designed to follow an ansible 'step' flow rather than having the largest possible 'qm create' statement as this makes it easier to debug and in the future change using API-based interfaces (where possible).
Some issues to be aware of
- As it is shell based and works with a cloudinit file it needs to access a mix of drive paths via the shell and Proxmox storage drives. To keep this as simple as possible local: has been extended to include Snippets and local-lvm is the target for the result VM drive.
- qm does limited validation of settings passed to it, so some values only get checked when the VM starts up.
- qm can return an OK status while at the same time outputting an error message to stderr, so such errors get missed by the ansible script.
- All my work is being done on Proxmox instances that use the no-subscription repo.
The code can be broken down into the following basic steps
- define all the variables needed to express the environment and VM settings
- clean up any past VM if a development variable is set to true
- get the named OS ISO if required
- create the local files needed for setup - cloudinit and ssh keys.
- create a basic VM with a mix of hardcoded defaults and required variable based values
- link/import the required drives to the VM
- remove the ssh key file from the local file system
- Configure setting based on defined values
- start the VM, which will cause the cloudinit file to be processed
- hosts: proxmox-a-0
gather_facts: no
development: true
cloud_image_filename: noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
user: "root"
password: "password"
public_ssh_key: "ssh-**************************************************************************"
iso: '/var/lib/vz/template/iso/'
snippets: '/var/lib/vz/snippets/'
tmp: '/tmp/'
drive_snippets: 'local'
drive_disks: 'local-lvm'
id: 28000
name: test-Ubuntu2404-server
ostype: l26
disk_size: 10G
net0: virtio,bridge=vmbr0
ipconfig0: 'ip=dhcp'
cpu_type: x86-64-v3
cores: 2
memory: 4096
memory_balloon: 2048
bios: seabios
description: This is a test linux server
cloud_init_vendor_txt: |
update: yes
locale: en_GB
layout: gb
variant: extd
allow-pw: true
install-server: true
- curl
- git
- qemu-guest-agent
package_update: true
package_upgrade: true
output: { all : '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log' }
- date
- systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent
- touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
- reboot
- name: clean up past VM if development var is true
- name: kill test VM
shell: 'qm stop {{ }}'
failed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: delete test VM
shell: 'qm destroy {{ }}'
failed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: Give the server time to clean up eveything
seconds: 5
when: not ansible_check_mode
when: development == true
- name: Check if VM already exists
shell: 'qm status {{ }}'
register: result
failed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: fail script if VM already exists
fail: msg="The VM with id {{ }} already exists"
when: result.rc == 0
- name: Check for img file
path: '{{ locations.iso }}{{ cloud_image_filename }}'
register: stat_result
- name: Download cloud image if it does not already exist {{ locations.iso }}
url: '{{ cloud_image_url }}'
dest: '{{ locations.iso }}{{ cloud_image_filename }}'
when: not stat_result.stat.exists
- name: Create cloudinit script from variable as a snippet {{ locations.snippets }}
content: '{{ cloud_init_vendor_txt }}'
dest: '{{ locations.snippets }}/cloudinit_{{ }}_vendor.yaml'
- name: Create public-ssh-key
content: '{{ auth.public_ssh_key }}'
dest: '{{ locations.tmp }}'
- name: Create VM
cmd: >
qm create {{ }}
--name {{ }}
--boot order=scsi0
--serial0 socket --vga serial0
--memory 2048
--agent enabled=1,fstrim_cloned_disks=1
--core 2
--net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
--scsihw virtio-scsi-single
--ide2 local:cloudinit
--sshkeys /tmp/
--ciuser {{ auth.user }}
--cipassword {{ auth.password }}
--bios {{ vm.bios }}
--ostype {{ vm.ostype }}
--tags {{ cloud_image_filename }},cloudinit
- name: Place the defined cloudinit values into the vendor sub-grouping
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --cicustom "vendor={{ locations.drive_snippets }}:snippets/cloudinit_{{ }}_vendor.yaml"'
- name: Import disk to VM
shell: 'qm disk import {{ }} {{ locations.iso }}{{ cloud_image_filename }} {{ locations.drive_disks }} --format raw'
- name: Set Imported disk on the VM
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --virtio0 {{ locations.drive_disks }}:vm-{{ }}-disk-0,discard=on,iothread=1,backup=1'
- name: Remove public-ssh-key
path: '{{ locations.tmp }}'
state: absent
- name: Set Disk size if defined
shell: 'qm resize {{ }} virtio0 {{ vm.disk_size }}'
when: vm.disk_size is defined
- name: Set CPU core number if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --cores {{ vm.cores }}'
when: vm.cores is defined
- name: Set cpu type configuration if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --cpu {{ vm.cpu_type }}'
when: vm.cpu_type is defined
- name: Set Memory configuration if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --memory {{ vm.memory }}'
when: vm.memory is defined
- name: Set Balloon Memory configuration if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --balloon {{ vm.memory_balloon }}'
when: vm.memory_balloon is defined
- name: Set network settings if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --net0 {{ vm.net0 }}'
when: vm.net0 is defined
- name: Set IP configuration if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --ipconfig0 {{ vm.ipconfig0 }}'
when: vm.ipconfig0 is defined
- name: Set OS type if defined
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --ostype {{ vm.ostype }}'
when: vm.ostype is defined
- name: Set VM Description if defined (these are shown as the VM notes in web GUI)
shell: 'qm set {{ }} --description "{{ vm.description }}"'
when: vm.description is defined
- name: Give the server time to complete all setup tasks
seconds: 5
when: not ansible_check_mode
- name: Start VM {{ }} to allow cloudinit to run (and to catch any setup errors)
shell: 'qm start {{ }}'