Errors - Zimbra on Debian 4 based on openVZ template


Renowned Member
Mar 28, 2007
Test on Debian 4.0 openVZ

Step 1: Create template and set DNS with the same IP as Virtual Machine IP – to avoid changes in /etc/hosts

Name: test
Local IP: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

Step 2: install updates (apt-get update / apt-get upgrade) and remove postfix (apt-get remove postfix). Verify with “nmap” if TCP 25 is still open anymore. If YES go to the next step.

  Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2009-04-13 09:05 EEST
  Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
  Not shown: 1677 closed ports
  22/tcp  open  ssh
  111/tcp open  rpcbind
  113/tcp open  auth
Spep 3: Configure DNS; install bind first (apt-get install bind9)
Now, edit /etc/bind/named.conf.options

Replace existing content with:

  options {
          directory "/var/cache/bind";
          query-source address * port 53;
          forwarders {
          auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
Where are your ISP DNS IP’s.

On the next step we will add the domain in the DNS local file; edit /etc/bind/named.conf.local

  zone ""  {
                  type master;
                  file "/etc/bind/";
            allow-transfer {;
Create the domain file in the place specified: nano /etc/bind/

  ; BIND data file for
  $TTL    604800
  @       IN      SOA (
                           130409         ; Serial
                           604800         ; Refresh
                            86400         ; Retry
                          2419200         ; Expire
                           604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
  @       IN      NS      test
          IN      MX      10 test
          IN      A       aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
  test    IN      A       aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
  zimbra   IN      A       aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
Edit /etc/resolv.conf and here we need to have only local IP

nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

Edit /etc/hosts and we need to have (these info are set from PVE WebUI – if you change manually on next reboot are back to the old version):

Code: localhost.localdomain localhost
  # Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment.
  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd       test
Now, restart bind and test domain with nslookup and ping an external host to be sure that forwarders are defined correct (ping

  test:~# nslookup
  Server:         aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
  Address:        aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #53
  Address: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

  test:~# ping
  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
  64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=39.5 ms
  64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=31.9 ms
  64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=245 time=31.4 ms
OK, we have a correct DNS configurated! Now, we go to the next step.

STEP 4: Install zimbra.

Install necessary files:

apt-get install libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libstdc++5 libltdl3 fetchmail unzip p7zip-full lzop lzma arj zoo unzoo cabextract tnef nomarch bzip2 lha unrar rpm binutils

aptitude install libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libstdc++5 libltdl3 fetchmail unzip p7zip-full lzop lzma arj zoo unzoo cabextract tnef nomarch bzip2 lha unrar rpm binutils

We create a folder for Zimbra installation files (mkdir /zinstall) and enter in this folder;
We download Zimbra for Debian 4 32bit (


After this unpack the archive using

[FONT=&quot]tar xzvf zcs-5.0.14_GA_2850.DEBIAN4.0.20090303135618.tgz[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]and we start install with ./[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Now, on DNS settings you will receive the error:[/FONT]

  [FONT=&quot]DNS ERROR resolving MX for[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Change domain name? [Yes][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Press YES and enter only domain : [/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Create domain: []:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Now, after finish installation packages, I skip Zimbra notification the install process go to START ZERVERS..and here he ask me for password:[/FONT]

  [FONT=&quot]Starting servers...Could not create the Java virtual machine.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Unable to determine enabled services from ldap.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Password: (ENTER root password)[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Checking for deprecated zimlets...failed.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Installing common zimlets...[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_cert_manager...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_ymemoticons...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_local...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_phone...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_bulkprovision...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_url...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_date...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]        com_zimbra_email...failed. This may impact system functionality.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Finished installing common zimlets.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Could not create the Java virtual machine.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Initializing Documents...failed to initialize documents...see logfile for details.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Restarting mailboxd...done.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Setting up zimbra crontab...done.[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Moving /tmp/zmsetup.04132009-103711.log to /opt/zimbra/log[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]OK, the setup is end but with errors; I do as zimbra user (su zimbra) and test services:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Zmcontrol status (after he ask me again 3 times for root password I receive messages):[/FONT]

  zmcontrol status
  Could not create the Java virtual machine.
  Unable to determine enabled services from ldap.
  Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate.
          antispam                Stopped
                  zmmtaconfigctl is not running
                  zmamavisdctl is not running
          antivirus               Stopped
                  zmmtaconfigctl is not running
                  zmamavisdctl is not running
                  zmclamdctl is not running
          ldap                    Running
          logger                  Stopped
                  logmysql.server is not running
                  zmlogswatchctl is not running
          mailbox                 Stopped
                  zmmtaconfigctl is not running.
                  mysql.server is not running.
                  zmmailboxdctl is not running.
          mta                     Stopped
                  zmmtaconfigctl is not running
                  postfix is not running
                  zmsaslauthdctl is not running
          snmp                    Stopped
                  zmswatch is not running.
          spell                   Running
          stats                   Stopped
OK, I stop and start again the services: and the same errors!

  zmcontrol start
  Could not create the Java virtual machine.
  Unable to determine enabled services from ldap.
  Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate.
          Starting ldap...Done.
  Could not create the Java virtual machine.
  Failed to start slapd.  Attempting debug start to determine error.

What it’s wrong in my configuration?

PS: this is a correct guide for a full KVM install
just a short question: do you give enough resources (ram and swap) as we describe it in our wiki?
I give 2048 MB RAM...I think it's enough! It's absolutely necessary to give 3GB?

In this case it's not a good choice! For me Zimbra work in KVM with 1024MB with no problem on more then 50 mailboxes!
I give 2048 MB RAM...I think it's enough! It's absolutely necessary to give 3GB?

In this case it's not a good choice! For me Zimbra work in KVM with 1024MB with no problem on more then 50 mailboxes!

now its clear - you need the follow the howtos, otherwise it will fail. thats the reason why we wrote it :-)

KVM/OpenVZ: you cannot compare the RAM settings this way. I suggest you installing it like described here (based on the ubuntu 32-bit hardy template)

and then take a look on the used memory on the web interface, the host and the container. (check the zimbra processes).

It will work on KVM, but it is faster on OpenVZ (no virtualized disks) and especially the management is easier. (for me).
It's trough...on OpenVZ the machines work fast!

I test now with 3000MB RAM and Swap and 32GB HDD space...but the AV/Antispam and spell refuse to start!

All the time I receive the message FAILED! I need to see logs for more details!

It's not normal for a 32 bit application to use so much resources to start...what will happen on next releases?
OK, I'm back with news...

Now it's OK and Zimbra work correct! This post can be consider an update to wiki :D - maybe some info can be used!

But personal I'm worried about the necessary resources to start: more then 3GB RAM and more then 40GB Hard Disk Capacity. It's not ok for a 32 bit's application. For me it's not a good choice in this moment because I have available only 6GB RAM on PVE.
OK, I'm back with news...

Now it's OK and Zimbra work correct! This post can be consider an update to wiki :D - maybe some info can be used!

But personal I'm worried about the necessary resources to start: more then 3GB RAM and more then 40GB Hard Disk Capacity. It's not ok for a 32 bit's application. For me it's not a good choice in this moment because I have available only 6GB RAM on PVE.


Zimbra is huge package and the default settings consumes a lot of resources. I suggest you search the Zimbra forums/wiki for howto optimize for small installations or just post a new question.

Applications like Zimbra needs some power but its still less than Exchange.

I am also wondering about the new Zimbra 6 (scheduled for 6/2009 as far as I remember).

I am also wondering about the new Zimbra 6 (scheduled for 6/2009 as far as I remember).

This is my wonder too. I decide to keep zimbra in KVM (and backup daily) at this moment and see what will happen on version 6.

On my next test I want to see what happen on 64bit appliance.

Anyway, these are the steps necessary to install Zimbra on Debian/Ubuntu! On other distributions (like CentOS the configuration of DNS is different)

Other observation for people who want to install Zimbra on Ubuntu 6: this version will not be supported on version 6. Personal I recomand CentOS 5.2
This is my wonder too. I decide to keep zimbra in KVM (and backup daily) at this moment and see what will happen on version 6.

On my next test I want to see what happen on 64bit appliance.

Anyway, these are the steps necessary to install Zimbra on Debian/Ubuntu! On other distributions (like CentOS the configuration of DNS is different)

Other observation for people who want to install Zimbra on Ubuntu 6: this version will not be supported on version 6. Personal I recomand CentOS 5.2

We suggest Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, fully supported from Zimbra.

(Centos is also supported from Zimbra, but we like Debian based systems.)
We suggest Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, fully supported from Zimbra.

It's better to go with Debian 4 instead Ubuntu! It't more stable! I have a lot of problems with Ubuntu in the past! - that's why if someone want to use a Debian base distribution...use Debian ;)

All servers manage by me are based on Debian (except Zimbra where I use CentOS - Because on RHLE ;) )
It's better to go with Debian 4 instead Ubuntu! It't more stable! I have a lot of problems with Ubuntu in the past! - that's why if someone want to use a Debian base distribution...use Debian ;)

All servers manage by me are based on Debian (except Zimbra where I use CentOS - Because on RHLE ;) )

FYI, you cannot install commercial Zimbra on Debian (as its not a supported platform for Zimbra - means no support!).
yes....sad but trough :(

I forgot about this! In this case Ubuntu 8 will be used (or any other supported distributions - personal I use CentOS 5 and I install RHLE 5 version with option --platform-overide)! The steps in Zimbra installation are the same!