Error downloading .didx from previous manifest: stream closed because of a broken pipe


New Member
Apr 6, 2024
Everything was working fine with my PBS from multiple VMs and proxmox backup clients for a month, then the network of my proxmox backup server on my home network, went down & since then, all my backups from all my hosts are getting the following:

catalog upload error - stream error received: stream no longer needed
Error downloading .didx from previous manifest: stream closed because of a broken pipe
Error: connection closed because of a broken pipe

Haven't been able to fix the issue.

None of my VMs & clients are being backed up anymore.

Also want to say my datastore is on a truenas SMB.

Any help?
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please check that the datastore is mounted correctly on the PBS side and the communication to the SMB share is fine. Note that such setups are not recommended, because of poor performance and fault tolerance.

Also, check the systemd journal of the PBS host for errors. journalctl -r -b gives you a paginated view of the journal since boot in reverse chronological order.