You can try killing the process and restarting again.
If 'pvecm status' after doing that shows both nodes it worked.
If that doesn't work you might need to delete the second node from the cluster.
Read also here and be careful. So running 'pvecm delnode 2' on node 1 and either reinstall PVE (recommended) or separate without reinstalling as described in the documentation. Then you should be able to add the node.
EDIT: by restarting in the first line I mean doing 'systemctl restart pve-cluster.service corosync.service'
If 'pvecm status' after doing that shows both nodes it worked.
If that doesn't work you might need to delete the second node from the cluster.
Read also here and be careful. So running 'pvecm delnode 2' on node 1 and either reinstall PVE (recommended) or separate without reinstalling as described in the documentation. Then you should be able to add the node.
EDIT: by restarting in the first line I mean doing 'systemctl restart pve-cluster.service corosync.service'
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