Hello! We have an issue with this container; it's having trouble with the backup process. It's a copy from other machines and has sufficient space, but it's generating this error. Any solutions?
ERROR: Backup of VM 321 failed - command 'rsync --stats -h -X -A --numeric-ids -aH --delete --no-whole-file --sparse --one-file-system --relative '--exclude=/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/run/?*.pid' /proc/13854/root//./ /var/tmp/vzdumptmp2486594_321' failed: exit code 10
ERROR: Backup of VM 321 failed - command 'rsync --stats -h -X -A --numeric-ids -aH --delete --no-whole-file --sparse --one-file-system --relative '--exclude=/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/tmp/?*' '--exclude=/var/run/?*.pid' /proc/13854/root//./ /var/tmp/vzdumptmp2486594_321' failed: exit code 10