Enable SSD emulation and disk write cache?


New Member
Sep 19, 2021
So I have a ubuntu VM running nextcloud. The disk of the VM lives on two 1TB sata SSD's raided togeter in a raid-z1 (I have plenty of backups :) )

I'm running a Supermicro X9SCL-F with an e3-1270 v2 with 6 cores assigned to the nexcloud VM with 16GB or ram. Should be plenty fast.

I am wondering if I can improve the performance of nextcloud by tuning the VM disk. As of now the whole nextcloud experience is not very snappy. I did all the necessary things on the software side like enabled Redis and APCu memory cache but clicking trough the nextcloud interface stays very laggy, but the database is also 600mb so perhaps that has something to do with it...

Would enabeling SSD emulation make any difference? And what about the cache settings, now it is set to none but I have a UPS so would it be wise to enable this?

I know laggy performance can be caused by lots of things but thanks for any suggestions!

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You are using PHP8-FPM? What SSD models are those? Consumer SSDs, especially QLC ones, can be horrible doing sync writes so DBs might be super slow.