thanks for the reply ......... i am more than happy to contribute to your project with $$$$ not good intentions, i value your time unlike others that waste our valuable time with rehtoric .... once we see the system is viable for US .... one question ..... i'm stuck on the install instructions it talks about selecting promox ve kernel how do i do that ..... i want to make sure it's setup correctly right from the start ....
it says .......... just not quite sure how to do it .... what do i select or change to make that correct ....
Note: you can install a 2.6.18, a 2.6.24 and a 2.6.32 Kernel, see Proxmox VE Kernel - This howto shows the installation of 2.6.18.
Reboot and make sure to select Proxmox VE Kernel on the boot loader (grub). If you want to boot by default the Proxmox VE Kernel, please edit the following file:
nano /boot/grub/menu.lst