Does Proxmox PVE and PBS exclude or not backup certain folders besides what is documented?


New Member
May 22, 2022
I have read and see that:
vzdump skips the following files by default


By default additional mount points besides the Root Disk mount point are not included in backups. For volume mount points you can set the Backup option to include the mount point in the backup. Device and bind mounts are never backed up as their content is managed outside the Proxmox VE storage library.

Is there any instructions or method for backing up data that is bind mount passed from host zfs PVE to lxc ct, ie mounting it in folder /mnt/zfsdata ?

What are the backup options or commands required for a backup to include such a directory?

Another different question:
I have read elsewhere on the internet that file contents in `/var/lib/docker` are not included in proxmox backups. I am unable to find any mention of this in the proxmox wiki or forum. Does PBS and proxmox backup exclude `/var/lib/docker` and are there any other folders that are excluded?

Thank you
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Is there any instructions or method for backing up data that is bind mount passed from host zfs PVE to lxc ct, ie mounting it in folder /mnt/zfsdata ?

What are the backup options or commands required for a backup to include such a directory?
as stated in the wiki article you referenced above bind mounts are not backed up with the LXC container via vzdump, as the bind mount is not managed by the PVE storage backend. If you would like to back up that data to PBS, you can create a file level backup via the proxmox backup client on the host, see the docs for details [0].

I have read elsewhere on the internet that file contents in `/var/lib/docker` are not included in proxmox backups. I am unable to find any mention of this in the proxmox wiki or forum. Does PBS and proxmox backup exclude `/var/lib/docker` and are there any other folders that are excluded?

Regarding docker, the /var/lib/docker folder and it's subfolders are included in backups, as long as they reside on the root filesystem and are not located on another bind mount or mountpoint.
On a side note: it is recommended to use a VM instead of running docker inside of an LXC, as there have been issues with such setups in the past.
