I have read https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Backup_and_Restore and see that:
Is there any instructions or method for backing up data that is bind mount passed from host zfs PVE to lxc ct, ie mounting it in folder /mnt/zfsdata ?
What are the backup options or commands required for a backup to include such a directory?
Another different question:
I have read elsewhere on the internet that file contents in `/var/lib/docker` are not included in proxmox backups. I am unable to find any mention of this in the proxmox wiki or forum. Does PBS and proxmox backup exclude `/var/lib/docker` and are there any other folders that are excluded?
Thank you
vzdump skips the following files by default
By default additional mount points besides the Root Disk mount point are not included in backups. For volume mount points you can set the Backup option to include the mount point in the backup. Device and bind mounts are never backed up as their content is managed outside the Proxmox VE storage library.
Is there any instructions or method for backing up data that is bind mount passed from host zfs PVE to lxc ct, ie mounting it in folder /mnt/zfsdata ?
What are the backup options or commands required for a backup to include such a directory?
Another different question:
I have read elsewhere on the internet that file contents in `/var/lib/docker` are not included in proxmox backups. I am unable to find any mention of this in the proxmox wiki or forum. Does PBS and proxmox backup exclude `/var/lib/docker` and are there any other folders that are excluded?
Thank you
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