Does proxmox cluster care about IP addresses? Should I?


May 20, 2020
I am about to build a proxmox cluster, initially with 3 nodes, which will use shared NFS storage.

The storage will be on a dedicated network, while each node will also have a connection to a LAN shared with other devices. I am expecting that the storage network will have more available bandwidth.



When I start configuring the cluster, should I add each node using the private, storage network address or the outside facing interface? While the former has more bandwidth, should I be concerned about contention with access on the storage network?

the network for the cluster must be a network with low latency.
So if the packages cannot be delivered in a certain time the nodes of the cluster will not able to manage.

The Storage network is faster but will have latency spikes if storage load increases.
The same can happen on the guest network.
If you want to use HA in this cluster, you need a dedicated network where no latency peaks can occur.
If no HA is included, I would use both networks and make the guest network as primary.
For more information see