is there some documentation on what exactly the "Check" lines in the API viewer (https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/) mean? I can make sense of some of it, but I would like to be sure I understand it correctly.
Thanks for any pointers.
is there some documentation on what exactly the "Check" lines in the API viewer (https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/) mean? I can make sense of some of it, but I would like to be sure I understand it correctly.
- GET /access/domains/{realm}: Check: ["perm","/access/realm",["Realm.Allocate","Sys.Audit"],"any",1]
I think this means either ("any of") Realm.Allocate or Sys.Audit on that path, but what is the 1 at the end? Surely not "any one of them" as opposed to "any two"? - POST /access/domains/{realm}/sync: Check: ["and",["perm","/access/realm/{realm}",["Realm.AllocateUser"]],["perm","/access/groups",["User.Modify"]]]
One and the other. - GET /access/tfa/{userid}: Check: ["or",["userid-param","self"],["userid-group",["User.Modify","Sys.Audit"]]]
Allowed when you are retrieving data on yourself, or you have the two permissions on a group that contains the userid, perhaps?
Thanks for any pointers.