Dkim signing of outgoing mail using PMG


New Member
Oct 15, 2019

i saw in "admin guide" that there is an option to enable dkim signing of outgoing mail, so i tryed to enable it - but failed.

I tryed to run:

pmg:/> set config/admin --dkim_sign 1
Unknown option: dkim_sign

and to put manually in /etc/pmg/pmg.conf and run "pmgconf sync" but got:
file /etc/pmg/pmg.conf line 4 (section 'admin') - unable to parse value of 'dkim_sign': unexpected property 'dkim_sign'
file /etc/pmg/pmg.conf line 5 (section 'admin') - ignore config line: section: mail

Could you please tell what is proper sintax to enable dkim signing, if it it's possible at all?

Thank you
DKIM support was added rather recently and is available on the pmg-no-subscription and pmgtest repositories, where it receives some more testing
before being pushed to the pmg-enterprise repository

You can install it even if you use the pmg-enterprise repository, by temporarily adding the pmg-no-subscription repository installing pmg-api, pmg-gui and pmg-docs from there and then removing it again - see

There is also support for enabling DKIM in the GUI (Configuration->Mail Proxy->DKIM)

I hope this helps!