[SOLVED] Display Off-site PBS Host IPs


Renowned Member
Hey all,

Simple question: Is there a way to see a local PBS instance [Public] IP from a remote?
local (off-site) <-- Pulls from <-- remote (on-site)

In short, I know the on-site (remote) PBS IP, but not the off-site (local) PBS IP.
Checking /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/wtmp.log, /var/log/messages, PBS tasks, etc, reveal nothing. Of course, I know the backups are happening because the PBS NAS on my SAN is indicating weekly sync (Sundays) activity and my PVE backups are occuring daily:

PBS Backups.pngWithout context, the WAN restriction makes the weekly sync look like someone had too much to drink on Halloween.
Thanks everyone,

have you checked the access logs? (/var/log/proxmox-backup/api/access.log)
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Hi Dominik,

Ah that's where those are! I had not. I've now applied:
cat /var/log/proxmox-backup/api/access.log.1 | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | grep -v 192.168 | sort -u
And it worked brilliantly.
Thank you!
