Hi there,
I just wanted to make a question about disk usage on my ProxMox Mail Gateway Cluster, composed by one master and one node only. I've noticed that my /var/spool/pmg/cluster/ folder has increased very fast the space usage. The question is: is there any native PMG feature to rotate or to purge this directory periodically?
20G /var/spool/pmg/cluster/1/
20G /var/spool/pmg/cluster/2/
Thank you for your help.
I just wanted to make a question about disk usage on my ProxMox Mail Gateway Cluster, composed by one master and one node only. I've noticed that my /var/spool/pmg/cluster/ folder has increased very fast the space usage. The question is: is there any native PMG feature to rotate or to purge this directory periodically?
20G /var/spool/pmg/cluster/1/
20G /var/spool/pmg/cluster/2/
Thank you for your help.