Disk showing half capacity


New Member
Oct 20, 2021
Not sure if this is Proxmox related or not, but here goes.. I'm trying to setup a HDD and it only shows half the capacity.

This disk is 4TB. Anyone know what might be wrong?

And while I got your attention, what would be the smartest raid to run if I want to add disks later to the pool? Or smartest way to setup my disks till later. The 500GB disk contains data I cannot loose.
I haven't bought all the disks yet and probably won't for a while due to priorities, so I'm currently running lots of random disks. (500gb, 1.5TB, 4TB & 120GB SSD for system)


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You are running very old (18 years) hardware? If I remember right 2TB was a limit of 32 bit hardware (2^32 - 1 * 512B blocksize = 2,199,023,255,040 Bytes = your 2.2 TB). So I guess you are using a very old hardware raid controller or mainboard/CPU that can only handle 32bit.

For the raid that depends on your hardware too. If you got a raid controller use HW raid. If you got a HBA or a simple onboard SATA controller without raid and enough RAM use ZFS. A mirror or striped mirror is the easiest to extend. You can add new drives in pairs to an existing storage without any big disadvantages (except that already written data won't activly be balanced across old and new disks so you got less performance until it has passively balanced over time). The possibility to extend a raidz1/2/3 is a very new features added this year. If your PVE will support this depends on the version used. But extending a raidz1/2/3 will only increase its capacity, it won't make your pool faster.
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You are running very old (18 years) hardware? If I remember right 2TB was a limit of 32 bit hardware (2^32 - 1 * 512B blocksize = 2,199,023,255,040 Bytes = your 2.2 TB). So I guess you are using a very old hardware raid controller or mainboard/CPU that can only handle 32bit.
Correct you are. I bought a Dell PowerEdge C1100, it's not the newest but it runs =D (Price was good at 100$)
After doing some research I can get around this with a different raid controller, will do some more research before ordering one.

Thanks for the raid info as well!