Direct Access to RDX removable Media


New Member
Mar 5, 2021
(Thanks to Google Translate ^^)
I am new to Proxmox. I have more or less understood the basics of how it works, but there is one thing I cannot do: Is it possible that my Debian VM can directly access my Tandberg drive in SATA? And see it in dmesg?

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Mar  5 16:13 scsi-1TANDBERGRDX_815066354117102016 -> ../../sdc

Thanks :)
Tks four your reply,

But in the meantime, I found another solution: IOMMU

As I had to access the drive so that I could send it the cartridge eject command, I therefore added a SATA card on which I plugged my Tandberg and shared the PCI device in my VM.

And it works great!
Best Regards


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