I'm also interested in this. Some days ago someone posted that the root partition was full. The problem was that Proxmox started a backup to a not mounted external USB-HDDs so everything was written to the root LV instead of the USB-HDD.
Is there maybe a way using LVM/ZFS to forbid writes to a mountpoint that isn't mounted or to set some kind of quota?
I thought about setting up chmod 700 with root as owner for the mountpoint and something like chmod 750 owned by a unprivileged user for the mounted drive/share so it can't be written if not mounted properly. But if I understand it right, that wouldn't work for backups for example, because the backup process is run by root and can ignore any rights limitations.
And I also thought about some kind of quota. So that the unmounted mountpoint may only store like 1MB of data but I don't know if it would be possible to overwrite that quota when the mointpoint gets mounted.
So something like... // /media/Share cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,x-systemd.automount,_netdev 0 0
...should automount a CIFS share at boot on Debian and prevent Proxmox from writing to the empty mountpoint?
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