Deduplication, linked clones


Jan 13, 2010
Is there any posibility to achieve something like linked clones realised w VMware?
I need to virtualize a couple of client machines which should be more or less identical.
So it would be nice to have something like a basic image and overlays on file system basis for each machine.
Any suggestions?

Thank you, Holgi
take a deeper look on the qcow2 format (snapshots)
take a deeper look on the qcow2 format (snapshots)

Yes, thank you for that hint. I was fiddling with LVM2 which did not get me anywhere.

So I create a qcow2 disk file and fill it w basic OS, then I create overlays with qemu-img -b base_image... inside the appropriate vm dirs and assign these to the vm's?
Sounds simple. Will try soon.
What happens when base_img is changed? Should better kept read only, no?

Hey, and where is the snapshot button in your WebGUI? (Just kidding :D but couldnt that be kept in mind for V.2.0? Together with an instant backup button?)

Best regards and thank you for your work, Holgi
I think we will take a deeper look on these features if we have btrfs. in the meantime you can also ask good old google for help, read qemu doc´s,