[SOLVED] Daily Spam Report empty "from"


Renowned Member
Jun 12, 2020
The daily SPAM-Report send to user seems somewhat missing a envelope from field?
It is shown as coming from "x@y.com" but our 2nd relay SMTP Filter shows the "from" as < >, cause it looks for envelope-from.

Is this something we can change somehow?

Oh, and btw. The Spam-Reports are also missing in the Tracking-Center at all?
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IIRC locally generated mail is not parsed by the log-tracker
sorry - that part was complete nonsense (should not answer before having coffee...) - as a colleague pointed out...
you just need to check the 'include empty senders' checkbox in the tracking center.

As I am not being a developer. Can you be a bit more specific what and how to change so it can be used in our live setup?
the envelope from is hardcoded in the line the link points to - and we don't plan on making this configurable - I don't see why this would make sense?
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sorry - that part was complete nonsense (should not answer before having coffee...) - as a colleague pointed out...
you just need to check the 'include empty senders' checkbox in the tracking center.

the envelope from is hardcoded in the line the link points to - and we don't plan on making this configurable - I don't see why this would make sense?
Well... we have customers who have a Sophos UTM with active Spam-Filter and that dumb thing is putting the Quarantine-Mails from Proxmox into the Quarantine cause of empty Envelope-From. And there is no option to tell the Sophos to accept mail with empty envelope and "FROM-Field" field filled with our sender value..... So if there is an option to set both fields custom, problem could be solved.....

And hoping for Sophos to fix that in there SG-Series while they promote there XG like hell is like hunting dust in the wind.....
I can imagine that this is a pain-point.
But in my experience any product which blindly discards bounces (mails with empty sender) is doing no-one a favor ...
Non-delivery notifications can be very useful - if you mistyped a mail-address and get the bounce after 1 minute - but with such behavior this ends up in unhappy users everywhere, wondering why they don't get a reply to the mail they sent days ago...

so - unless there's many such boxes, which break this out in the wild and it becomes a huge pain-point for many users I'm not motivated to work-around other product's design decisions.

I hope this explains it