Daily report - disable on a per-user basis?


New Member
Jan 23, 2013
Hi all,

We are evaluating Proxmox Mail Gateway 3.1 - we have specific users and mailing list accounts that we do not want daily quarantine reports going out for. How can I stop reports from going out to specific recipients?

Thank you,
Joe Jenkins
you can do it the other way. enable the quarantine just for the users you want. use the rule system for this.
Thanks Tom,

We have over 14000 users in LDAP, so this would be impractical. Thanks for the suggestion - maybe it could be a feature request for a future release.

Thanks again,
why? I assume you have groups in your LDAP so you can use these groups in the rule system of the mail gateway. done in minutes.

Nope we don't, we have a flat user database in LDAP on our mail server only - the sole purpose of this database is to let our spam defense systems (previously two Barracuda 400s) know what are legitimate user accounts. We don't use it for anything else, so there are no groups to separate users, etc. So far we have had about 10 users request to not get these reports, which, if I could, I would prefer to just be able to create a rule that says 'don't' send those users these daily reports / quarantine emails. As an administrator that would be a handy alternative.

Additionally - is there any way to customize the contents of the report that is sent out to users. If I can do that, I can at least provide them with some additional info on why they are receiving these emails and some helpful information on the new system.

Overall, I've been pleased with it's performance thus far and have had only some minor difficulty with a few things.

Thank you again for your help,
Joe Jenkins

Thanks also for your response - could you describe what you mean? I am not sure how to build such a rule that would work in this manner.

Thank you,
Joe Jenkins