Daily only Spamreport


Active Member
Feb 3, 2020
Hi there,

i am having a test setup of the mail gateway. Sadly I cannot identify how I can tell mail gateway to report only n times a day a summarized spam report

Right now I get each spam e-mail as individual mail with the issue, that now of course I get it classified, but still i have to process each mail individually and delete it from the mailbox

I would like to have a configurable amount of reports which have summarized all quarantined mails. This shall be by default: daily and if required to have it twice or every 4h a day.

How can I achieve this with mail gateway?
This is the default setting - if you enable spam-report each of your users that gets a mail put in quarantine (usually due to it being considered spam by SpamAssassin) - will get a mail with a link to their quarantine where they can manage their mails.

please share logs/settings/any modifications you made - because currently I don't see how this can happen.
Hi Stoiko,
sorry I was not clear enough.

We have a main e-mail and alias e-mail addresses. Now all alias e-mail addresses get also a daily notification.
Which is odd especially on technical e-mail addresses which generate a lot of work.

So my clearer question shall be, how can i define a main e-mail address to which the quarantine is getting sent and the aliases are summarized underneath this main e-mail address.
This alias E-mail-addresses can be the same domain but mostly it is from different domains.

Ideally the aliases are configurable via UI, but they shall be available to provide the alias table via commandline so we could synchronize them automatically from the MTAs
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