Create multiple IP networks in Proxmox


Oct 23, 2020

I'm quite unexperienced when it comes to Proxmox network stack.

I would like to connect two machines on two different networks through SDN.

For example:

Proxmox host:

Host A:

Host B:
Host B:

So I would probably have to create two new bridges for each of the host networks (to have separate broadcast domains). How can I route traffic between these bridges? Do I need an external router? Can OpenVSwitch help me?

I do realize that these are a lot of broad questions, so I'm perfectly fine if someone could just give me a push in the right direction.
Hello Fauch,

As far as I understand your question, you have a Proxmox host and you want to create two VMs in different networks and connect them, is it right? In this case, there are several ways to do it and you don't need SDN in order to achive it ... ;)

The easiest way would be to run a bridge in "VLAN aware" mode and to assigne VLAN IDs to the network interfaces of the VMs. A posible setup would look like this:


This example is a very simplified one. So you will have to adapt it to your needs.

As you can see, two additional components are required for this setup: a gateway (firewall/router) and a VLANs supporting switch (if you want to allow access to/from hardware devices in their respective VLANs). The gateway (in this example a virtual firewall) is needed to connect al VLANs with each other, while the switch is needed to connect the VLANs in the Proxmox bridge with the VLANs in the "real" network through the Proxmox network interface. Using a hardware firewall, the setup is basically the same, attaching the firewall to the hardware switch instead to the Proxmox bridge.

Running the Proxmox bridge in "VLAN aware mode" is really easy. You just need to check a check box ...


After that, you only need to set the VLAN ID on the network interface of the VM (VLAN Tag = blank for VLAN ID 1) ...


I hope that this information helps you ... :)

Best regards
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Thank you, this is pretty much what I'm looking for. Your help is greatly appreciated.

May I further inquire how you created that beautiful diagram?

Best Regards