I'm using proxmox 4.1-22 with a ceph storage backend. I'm trying to create disks and associate them to VMs using the proxmox API.
I'm using the following command:
Thanks !
I'm using proxmox 4.1-22 with a ceph storage backend. I'm trying to create disks and associate them to VMs using the proxmox API.
I'm using the following command:
pvesh create /nodes/ptst1/storage/ceph-storage/content -filename vm-100-disk-2 -size 10G -vmid 100
2016-05-25 16:59:41.582715 7f51632ec780 -1 did not load config file, using default settings.
200 OK
Although there is this message about the config file (it seems to be coming from ceph), it is succesfully created as I can see it with the following command2016-05-25 16:59:41.582715 7f51632ec780 -1 did not load config file, using default settings.
200 OK
# pvesh get /nodes/ptst1/storage/ceph-storage/content
200 OK
"content" : "images",
"format" : "raw",
"name" : "vm-100-disk-2",
"parent" : null,
"size" : 10737418240,
"vmid" : "100",
"volid" : "ceph-storage:vm-100-disk-2"
But when I check my VM hardware in the proxmox interface, I don't see any new disk attached. Does this function only create the disk without attaching it to the VM ? Is there another one to actually attach it to the VM ?200 OK
"content" : "images",
"format" : "raw",
"name" : "vm-100-disk-2",
"parent" : null,
"size" : 10737418240,
"vmid" : "100",
"volid" : "ceph-storage:vm-100-disk-2"
Thanks !