Could support some domain use external smtp server?
I use proxmox mail gateway as default smtp server.But some domain I want use external smtp server. I know smarthost can setup external smtp server. But it's all domain.
Not sure I understand the question completely.
But if you ask if you can configure your mailserver to send mails to some domain 'xyz.example' not to PMG but to another server - you need to check with your mailserver - usually it is possible (transport_map is the setting for postfix)
if you want to relay mail from PMG to a specific server for 'xyz.example' you should be able to configure it in the mail proxy settings in the GUI
hope this helps! Else please explain with more detail what you want to accomplish.
I know PMG has smarthost function. It's will use smarthost send mail to everywhere. But I hope can set all domain use PMG direct send mail and some domain use smarthost to send mail.
set a smarthost , and for the one domain set itself as transport in 'Mail Proxy' -> 'Transports' -> 'Create'
add the domain as 'Relay Domain' and as 'Host' and check the use MX checkbox