could not activate storage 'zpool_bcache', zfs error: cannot import 'zpool_bcache': no such pool available


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
I have a problem with zfspool I can't mount it
Name Type Status Total Used Available %
local dir active 10002816 7852544 2150272 78.50%
local-zfs zfspool active 3353276 1202980 2150296 35.87%
rpool_old zfspool disabled 0 0 0 N/A
storage nfs active 35589531904 4225479552 31364052352 11.87%
zpool_bcache zfspool inactive 0 0 0 0.00%
please use code-tags for command-line output.

We'd need a bit more information to help:
- check your journal (`journalctl -r`for messages maybe related to the issue)
- what's the output of:
* `zpool status`
* `zpool list`
* `zpool import`
* `lsblk`