We are in the process of upgrading a system from promox version 1 to proxmox version 2. Normally as we have not had much luck with vzmigrate we do it as follows:
1) SCP over the 101.conf file located in /etc/vz/conf from the first server to the same location on the new server
2) We rsync over the /var/lib/vz/private/101 folder into /var/lib/vz/private/
This normally does the job, and we then just start the system. This does not seem to work in proxmox2 though? Is this no longer possible?
Paul Hughes
We are in the process of upgrading a system from promox version 1 to proxmox version 2. Normally as we have not had much luck with vzmigrate we do it as follows:
1) SCP over the 101.conf file located in /etc/vz/conf from the first server to the same location on the new server
2) We rsync over the /var/lib/vz/private/101 folder into /var/lib/vz/private/
This normally does the job, and we then just start the system. This does not seem to work in proxmox2 though? Is this no longer possible?
Paul Hughes